Changes in Execute 21.1.87


  • Added new formula functions to make it easy to extract part of an AFE’s estimate in a report. #afe #157107

    We’ve added two new formula functions to make it easier to extract/report on parts of an AFE’s estimate:

    1. GrossEstimateForAccountFilter
    2. NetEstimateForAccountFilter

    The following example pulls out just a single account’s (9210.247) Net estimate amount.


    While this formula sums up the gross estimate for any accounts with a Target Activity Name of “Development”.

  • Multiple Enhancements to integration with WellEz, and import of field estimates. #afe #154540
  • Authorized users are now able to create Document Links between all “Primary” document types. #system #157309
  • New functionality to allow a User to “Take Ownership” of a task if the share a User Group with the task’s owner. #workflow #157112

    Workflow Tasks in Execute are assigned to a single user through that task’s “Assigned To” rule. In some cases, however, this individual approach is too restrictive. i.e.

    • “While Bob is on vacation other members of Bob’s team would like to be able to see and complete tasks assigned to Bob.”
    • “A Task needs to be completed by someone in the Land Group (Alice, Bob and Eve) but we don’t care who in particular.”

    We’ve introduced a new couple of new settings and a new feature to make this a breeze.


    When enabled users who share an eligible* “User Group” with the owner of a task will be allowed to “Take Ownership of Task” and complete the work (using the button they’ll see when viewing the task).


    In addition, a new Dashboard Widget (“Group Active Tasks”) makes it easy for Team member to see all the active Tasks that they could participate in.


  • Wells and Sites can now be copied #well delivery #158142
  • Support for field mapping to copy data from Well/Site to Job, when creating a new Job. #well delivery #158138
  • Support for Database Document Export (Qbyte and Envision) from the Integration Agent (for SaaS deployments of Execute) #integration


  • Fixed issue where About page and Dashboard wouldn’t show available updates of Execute 21. #system
  • Search for a DocumentID in the browse page now works. #system #155636
  • Fixed issue where Reassign tool wouldn’t show Workflow tasks correctly. #admin #157305
Ready to update?
  • For Quorum-hosted Aucerna Execute environments, email an upgrade request to Execute Support.
  • For on-prem instances of Execute:
    • Always ensure you have a recent backup of your Execute database before updating.
    • Download the installer from the Client Portal.