Changes in Execute 21.1.280


  • Execute, our installer, and the helper utilities are now digital signed by Quorum. #security #293676
  • Added a 6 month option for API key lifetime. #api #316723


  • Fixed an issue where adding an additional storage table that included the name of its parent table would cause an issue. #system #303945
  • Fixed issue where you could bulk import a reporting calculated column whose ID exceeded the maximum allowed length. #system #308428
  • When exporting the AFE to ODW, the description is now trimmed to 50 characters. #integration #wellez #325648
  • Fixed default placement of the monthly columns on the Field Cost Entry screen to directly left of the total column. #afe #325711
  • Fixed an issue where changing a UWI from DLS to API would leave the old Lat/Long in place. #integration #319947
  • Fixed an issue where UWI formatting was inconsistently applied when loading UWIs using a sychronization or data selection. #system #323966
Ready to update?
  • For Quorum-hosted Aucerna Execute environments, email an upgrade request to Execute Support.
  • For on-prem instances of Execute:
    • Always ensure you have a recent backup of your Execute database before updating.
    • Download the installer from the Client Portal.