Changes in Execute 21.1.253


  • We’ve made it easier for administrators to create plugins (such as Data Selectors and Synchronizations) that point at the Execute database by adding a new database alias “EXECUTE_INTERNAL” which can be used in your plugin’s connection string. (Ex: “Connection List=server; Id=EXECUTE_INTERNAL”) #admin #254272


  • Resolved an issue where an administrator setting the “Fields that are cleared on task reactivation” list on a workflow’s Reactivation Rules tab, switching to a different tab, and coming back again would be greeted by an unexpected (and unintentional) error. #workflow #246266
  • Resolved an issue where RTX disciplines that were migrated from the former RTD module were unable to be removed from the RTX. #well delivery #246500
  • When adding a new “Additional Storage Table” we’ve added a message to let you know that it was successfully added so that you aren’t left wondering, “Wait. That happened so quickly! Did something happen?” #admin #249709
  • We’ve resolved an issue where the Integration Agent was unable to replicate the results of a database calculation/function from Oracle into Execute. #integration #256139
  • We’ve improved the reliability of our AzureSQL Data Warehouse functionality by increasing the timeouts to allow slow running queries time to finish. #integration #256838
  • Use the default values parameter of the Document Create API now works properly with date fields #api #256115
Ready to update?
  • For Quorum-hosted Aucerna Execute environments, email an upgrade request to Execute Support.
  • For on-prem instances of Execute:
    • Always ensure you have a recent backup of your Execute database before updating.
    • Download the installer from the Client Portal.