Changes in Execute 21.1.247


  • Migrated the Job’s Copy Teams backend toolkit from Angular to React. This is part of a larger initiative to eliminate our dependency on an aging version of Angular. #security #171883
  • Increased the default size for formula editing windows to make editing those monster formulas more pleasant than trying to peer at it four lines at a time. #system #244477
  • A while ago, we added a great feature to Execute’s Document Synchronization to automatically inactivate records when they no longer appeared in the source data. Now, we’ll automatically reactivate those records if they come back! #integration #245783
  • We’ve added a new “Copy from Sample " button when creating a new in-app plugin to make it much easier to preload your plugin with a sample from the plugins_available folder. #admin #system #246432
  • Administrators with the “Manage Excel Templates " privilege can now upload and manage Excel Template Reports from Tools > Configuration > Manage Excel Template Reports. #admin #reporting #246435
  • Added support for publishing Execute events to a file on a remote server using SFTP. #integration #246490
  • Added new AFE-level calculated fields to allow reporting on reviewer and approver counts (both totals, and those who have completed their work). #afe #247494
  • Changed the default minimum password length to 12 (doesn’t affect environments using SSO). #security #247637
  • Added handy Select All / Select None buttons to the support package generation screen. #admin #247724


  • Resolved an issue where “re-evaluate workflow " would incorrectly delete sub-workflows. #workflow #244969
  • Document Link Summary tabs are now hidden on un-saved documents to avoid an annoying pop-up error. #system #246910
  • Support packages no longer inadvertently include some security sensitive configuration files. #system #security #247060
  • Resolved issue where API keys were still inadvertently taking a license in some situations. #integration #247599
  • Resolved issue where slow connectivity to Azure SQL or Snowflake could block saving documents elsewhere in Execute. #integration #247975
Ready to update?
  • For Quorum-hosted Aucerna Execute environments, email an upgrade request to Execute Support.
  • For on-prem instances of Execute:
    • Always ensure you have a recent backup of your Execute database before updating.
    • Download the installer from the Client Portal.