Changes in Execute 21.1.235


  • Improvements to keyboard-based tabbing between fields in grids. #ui #233113
  • Added many additional formula functions to make it easier to extract and use data in custom tables. #system #formula #234266

    We’ve added some calculated field helper functions to fetch data from tables:

    These functions are broken into two parts:

    1. Find a row - return the “ID” for the row you’d like to retrieve a value from
    2. Retrieve a value - given the “ID” for a row, retrieve the value of a specified field

    Find a row functions:

    • TableGetRow("TABLE","FIELDPATH","FIELDVALUE") - returns ID of the row where FIELDPATH = FIELDVALUE
    • TableGetMinDateRow("TABLE","DATEFIELD") - returns ID of the row with minimum date in DATEFIELD
    • TableGetMaxDateRow("TABLE","DATEFIELD") - returns ID of the row with max date in DATEFIELD
    • TableGetMinRow("TABLE","NUMFIELD") - returns ID of the row with minimum numeric value in NUMFIELD
    • TableGetMaxRow("TABLE","NUMFIELD") - returns ID of the row with maximum numeric value in NUMFIELD

    All of the above return the text “MULTIPLE” if there are multiple matched rows.

    Retrieve a value functions:

    • TableGetText("TABLE","ROW ID","FIELD") - returns the value of a TEXT field
    • TableGetDecimal("TABLE","ROW ID","FIELD") - returns the value of a DECIMAL field
    • TableGetInteger("TABLE","ROW ID","FIELD") - returns the value of an INTEGER field
    • TableGetBoolean("TABLE","ROW ID","FIELD") - returns the value of a BOOLEAN (Yes/No) field
    • TableGetDate("TABLE","ROW ID","FIELD") - returns the value of a DATE field

    If “MULTIPLE” is passed in as the Row ID, the above functions return Null


    The following returns the ID of well with DESCRIPTION = “test”


    The following returns the ID of well with Custom PARNTER name of “Arctic…” (i.e. can peak into fields on document references)

    tablegetrow("WELL","CUSTOM/PARTNER/COMNAME","Arctic Canada Ltd.")

    The following returns the of the primary well (boolean checking)


    The following shows how you can chain functions together to get the Company Name value (custom field on the AFE’s Well) from the Primary Well.

    tablegettext("WELL", tablegetrow("WELL","ISPRIMARY","True"), "CUSTOM/PARTNER/COMNAME")

    In this example, we return the Contract Number for the contract (custom table) with the most recent contract date. (Note: if two contracts share the same latest date, nothing will be returned).

  • Multiple behaviour improvements to drop-down lists in grids. #ui #235035


  • Resolved issue where the Export to Excel button would fail on the Operational Schedule’s Activities tab. #opsched #233653
  • Improved session handling when viewing maps to get rid of potential security issue. #security #234902
  • Upgraded 3rd party component “jQueryUI” to resolve potential security risks in the version Execute was using. #security #235198
  • Fixed issue where building reports with multiple filters on the same column would fail. #reporting #ui #235331
  • Fixed issue where Workflow Task pop-up would not handle Unzoned Date fields correctly. #workflow #236341
  • Resolved minor case-sensitivity issue for attachments in Unix-based Execute environments. #system #236506
Ready to update?
  • For Quorum-hosted Aucerna Execute environments, email an upgrade request to Execute Support.
  • For on-prem instances of Execute:
    • Always ensure you have a recent backup of your Execute database before updating.
    • Download the installer from the Client Portal.