Changes in Execute 21.1.224


  • Major performance improvements to old-style create rights editing. #admin #228247
  • Document sync now supports automatic document inactivation for document types which don’t have an out-of-the-box ACTIVE column. #integration #228269
  • Added the ability to use a subtab view (a tab with multiple subtabs) as a child/sub-view on another view. An almost incomprehensible sentence but, for those of you waiting for this… it’s here! #admin #228531


  • Resolved issue where custom tabs wouldn’t correctly hide the time component of unzoned date fields. #system #229728
  • Resolved issue where tab visibility rules were ignored on subviews. #system #229730
Ready to update?
  • For Quorum-hosted Aucerna Execute environments, email an upgrade request to Execute Support.
  • For on-prem instances of Execute:
    • Always ensure you have a recent backup of your Execute database before updating.
    • Download the installer from the Client Portal.