Changes in Execute 21.1.169


  • Added support for event-based file exports to the Integration Agent. This makes it possible to use Bolo, Excalibur and other integrations from a Quorum hosted instance of Execute. #integration #156869
  • Support for Enterprise Events in integration agent. #integration #158011
  • Support for AFEStoredProcedureValidator in the Integration Agent. #integration #161030


  • Resolved minor issue where entering more than 2 decimal places on project capital would cause a mismatch between total capital and monthly capital. #budget #143427
  • Fixed issue where a user’s name and timezone would both be labeled as “Name” in the various configuration screens, making it difficult to know which was which. #system #155460
  • Fixed permissions on “Update Actuals Closed Date” to require only an admin with “Accruals Admin” privilege. #budget #155660
  • Including the same subworkflow multiple times in a workflow is now correctly supported. #workflow #156689
  • Fixed issue where starting Execute 21 against a Execute 2020 database would automatically add some Execute 21 fields before failing the version check. #system #159714
  • Fixed issue where Integration Agent connection would fail if the connection name included mixed case. #integration #160093
  • Resolve issue where AFEs that were already exported to QByte/enVision would incorrectly show up in the list of AFEs to export when using the Integration Agent. #integration #160154
  • Resolved issue where Projects would sometimes incorrectly stay in “Due for Forecast” filter even after their forecast was updated. #budget #160160
  • Resolved issue where the total row could disappear while editing Project forecasts. #budget #160408
  • Leading and trailing spaces are now trimmed from VARCHAR fields on Document Synchronization. #integration #160604
  • Moved Peloton Subscription Key out of configuration file and built it into the application. #integration #160678
  • Huge improvements to the performance of the legacy Create Rights screens for clients with complex rules and many AFE attributes. #afe #160691
Ready to update?
  • For Quorum-hosted Aucerna Execute environments, email an upgrade request to Execute Support.
  • For on-prem instances of Execute:
    • Always ensure you have a recent backup of your Execute database before updating.
    • Download the installer from the Client Portal.