Aucerna Execute 2019 Updates

Below is a list of available updates to Aucerna Execute 2019. These updates contain bug fixes and minor feature additions. It is recommended that you always upgrade Aucerna Execute to the latest available update.


Review the list of Aucerna Execute 2019 Known Issues.

Note that when upgrading from Aucerna Execute 2019 U5, or earlier, there are signficiant changes to the Accruals and Field Cost functionality that may require manual migration steps and review, if you rely on that functionality. Be sure to review this document for details prior to upgrading your Aucerna Execute environment.

Update 2019.10 (2021-06-28)

Severity Description
Operational Scheduling
BUG Fixed issue where reimporting schedule information from Enersight would remove linked jobs from activities. (123424)
BUG Fixed issue where integration with Enersight would make two concurrent connections instead of one. (121446)
Budgeting and Forecasting
Nothing to see here...
BUG Resolved poor performance when reporting on Jobs. (123893)
BUG Resolved issue where manually entered field cost amounts would incorrectly be rounded to the nearest dollar. (124314)
BUG Enhanced Enersight integration log files to include URL of Enersight instance to aid in troubleshooting. (120867)
BUG Resolved issue where language translation library would raise synchronous AJAX errors on the JavaScript console. (121986)
BUG Better handling of mismatched charactersets when upgrading Oracle databases. Note, it is strongly recommended that the source and destination Oracle characterset be the same. (123776)
Download Aucerna Execute 2019.10.77.0

Update 2019.9 (2021-04-05)

Severity Description
Operational Scheduling
BUG Fixed issue where "Add Project to Schedule" button would incorrectly leave the schedule in a locked state. (115367)
BUG Fixed issue were "Add Project to Schedule" would only show first 100 projects. (115715)
Budgeting and Forecasting
BUG Improved behaviour when adopting schedule timing when multiple master schedules are incorrectly linked to the same Project. (108083)
BUG Automatically select first project in the list when switching reports on the Update Project Forecasts screen. (112380)
BUG Numerous fixes to beahviour when dealing with deleted Project Activities. (112624 & 111345)
BUG Hide inactive/unlistable fields from the Project Capital Summary table. (113279)
BUG Fixed issue where export to Enersight would fail if Project Activity wasn't linked to a Val Nav cost type. Oops! (113533)
Smooth Sailing!
BUG Resolved issue that was preventing the data loaders from loading a C1 over a rejected base AFE. (111145)
BUG Fixed issue where Excel sheet generated from AFE Budget tab couldn't actually be opened in Excel. (114740)
BUG Fixed issue where "Approved Net Estimate" would get set to 0 for approved AFEs. (114803)
BUG Properly enforcing column size on columns bulk loaded through implementation tools. (112377)
BUG Fixed issue where OData query would fail when trailing slash is present. (112789)
BUG Fixed issue where DB copy would incorrectly setup database primary key on some tables. (113263)

Update 2019.8 (2021-01-26)

Severity Description
Operational Scheduling
NEW Improved sorting when sorting rows by first activity. Now sorts on subsequent activities for rows with same first activity date. (91332)
NEW Improved behaviour when moving a Project to a new pad. (101692)
NEW Added ability to import single Project from Enersight based on PROPNUM instead of a date range. (104332)
NEW Added new schedule drag option (a plugin) to move all linked activities that aren't tied to a primary resource. (111424)
BUG Enhancements to behaviour of "Correct Errors" when multiple relationships affect activities in a step group. (105146)
BUG Resolved issue where switching back and forth to the Schedule tab would consume ever increasing amounts of RAM. (105368)
BUG Resolve issue where calculated fields on Schedule Activities would cause "Merge Schedule" to stop working. (105378)
BUG Resolved crash importing schedule data from Enersight when the specified time does not exist (one of those weird "spring forward" timezone things that happens on the DST rollover). (105406)
BUG Resolved issue where milestones would not always reflect current status from linked Project or RTx. (111327)
BUG Many performance improvements to data grids on Operational Schedule. (105557)
BUG Huge performance improvements to Bulk Update on Schedule Data tab. (105559)
Budgeting and Forecasting
NEW Added the ability to use Document Archive rules to hide historical Project Snapshots from the Browse screen. (105101)
BUG Resolved issue where a deleted Project Activity that was linked to a Schedule Activity would cause inconsistent behaviour. (100923)
BUG Resolved issue where monthly totals in capital reforecasting grid would sometimes be missing. (102593)
BUG Resolved issue with automated capital reforecast when incorporating AFE actuals onto a short activity (less than one month). (105870)
BUG Improved error reporting when removing an Activity from a Project that already has linked AFEs. (111345)
BUG Prevent inactive Project Activities from causing errors during schedule import because of conflicting Capital Type/Class. (107503)
BUG Disabled RTx "Copy" button when running so that, during long-running Copy operations, users can't inadvertently click it again and cause another copy to be made. (106834)
BUG Added support for removing approval history on RTx that have reached the licensed status. (108402)
BUG Fixed issue where @mention in a comment would incorrectly also notifiy the entire RTx team. (105154)
BUG Added support for API-format UWIs when exporting AFEs to AFELink (105565)
BUG Added missing "synchronize_filecosts_file.config.sample" file to installer. (97097)
BUG Resolved issue where deleted AFEs were visible in the legacy (Windows Desktop) Change AFE Owner tool. (109789)
BUG Resolved issue where incorrect estimate values would be written to QByte for revisions or supplements after the first one (R2, R3, ..., S2, S3, S4, ...). (111119)
BUG Fixed data loader to allow import of C1 over a corrected AFE to be consistent with the application behaviour. (111145)
NEW Extended Last Modified plugin to add support for logging the Last Modified User too. (106125)
BUG Fixed issue an error encountered while processing notifications can prevent all notifications. (107648)

Update 2019.7 (2020-09-16)

Severity Description
NEW Ability to create Last Modified fields that are automatically updated upon changes to its linked field. (98921)
BUG Fixed sample query-based data synchronization to support multiple instances of the plugin. (103232)
Operational Scheduling
NEW Improved handling of NULL values in schedule view configurations. (103334)
NEW New validation to ensure consistent attributes for activities on the same well. (102004)
NEW New validation to enforce maximum well count per pad. (103446)
NEW Push prorated capital from OpSched to Enersight when pushing schedule to ensure that capital always aligns with new timing in Enersight. (102004)
NEW Summarize validation errors on roll-up activities. (98336)
NEW Ability to add additional attributes to labels for roll-up activities. (98339)
NEW New validation to highlight potential SIMOPS conflicts (based on SIMOPS groups). (98338)
NEW Action to automatically mark activities occuring in the next N days as "scheduled". (98963)
NEW Milestones are now summarized on roll-up activities. (99065)
NEW Added "now" operator in view configuration to allow comparisons to current date. (99111)
BUG Fixed issue where Enersight export of an activity with no costs would fail (101700)
BUG Fixed issue where editing a start date or duration in the detail table in a view with activity roll-ups wouldn't correctly apply side-effects to downstream activities. (103305)
BUG Fixed issue where changes to activity duration would not update downstream activities. (103312 and 103345)
BUG Fixed issue where export to Enersight would fail for activities with multiple AFTER END relationships (99417)
BUG Added ability to create RTx for activity from Schedule (99796)
Budgeting and Forecasting
BUG Fixed issue where split activities would cause project to always show in reforecasting widget. (101703)
BUG Fixed issue exporting to Enersight for activities with no capital. (102046)
BUG Fixed issue with migration from RTD to RTx when there are inactive RTD columns containing data. (101954)
BUG Fixed issue where browse page wouldn't show status badges for discipline names containing an underscore. (103227)
NEW New configuration setting to allow AFE reviewers to add additional reviewers to an AFE. (102096)
NEW Support for AFE Numbering rules without a sequence component. (103195)
NEW New AFE field permission to prevent changes to owner AFE data after AFE is routed for review. (99001)

Update 2019.6 (2020-06-11)

Severity Area Description
NEW Accruals Clear Field Cost Entry Date by Default (95075)
NEW Accruals Admin setting to default a specific Field Cost Entry Date (95075)
NEW Accruals New "Submit Behaviour" setting with "Auto" mode to simplify management of the field cost submit flag (96283)
NEW Accruals Replacement "Field Cost Cut-off Date" setting that locks field costs based on the cost date, rather than the current date (97035)
NEW Modifications to the WellView and PetroSight field cost imports to prevent changes to historical / locked months of data (95345)
NEW Accruals Ability to add field cost adjustments to imported line-item field estimates (94939)
BUG Accruals Resolve issue where total field estimates on Field Cost Entry screen would be wrong when AFE contained line-item field estimates (94762)
BUG Budgeting and Forecasting Fixed issue where browse reports would incorrectly handle timezones on capital spending dates (67608)
NEW AFE Added new "Calculate AFE overhead only on incremental amounts for supplements" setting to support configurations where it is required that supplemental overhead be calculated independently of base AFE overhead. (86908)
NEW AFE Added new "Update overhead method configuration on AFE version creation" to automatically use the latest overhead configuration when revising or supplementing an AFE. (86908)
BUG Operational Scheduling Fixed issue when changing the case for a resource name (91185)
BUG Operational Scheduling Fixed "GUID" issue when using data loader to load schedule resources (94762)
NEW Operational Scheduling Enhancements to sorting schedule rows by first activity to better handle cases where multiple rows have the same first activity date. (91332)
BUG Operational Scheduling Resolved issues with broken sorting on nested rows (92671)
BUG Operational Scheduling Resolved issues where activities imported from Enersight would sometimes overlap by 1 second, raising a conflict (92537)
BUG Operational Scheduling Resolved issues where 0-day activities in a step group would cause validation errors (92573)
BUG Operational Scheduling Added support for pushing fractional mob/demob times back to Enersight (93430)
BUG Budgeting and Forecasting Resolved issues where removing activities form a Capital Template would break historical Projects with capital against those activities. (93793)
BUG Operational Scheduling Fixed issue pushing timing back to Enersight for split activities (93954)
BUG Operational Scheduling Fixed issue where Enersight import was matching on name instead of propID (96344)
BUG Budgeting and Forecasting Resolved issue where actuals before "Do Not Update Actuals Before Date" was being incorrectly cleared out when import actuals. (97358)
TWEAK Budgeting and Forecasting Performance improvements for updating Project timing based on operational schedule timing. (97695)

Update 2019.5 (2020-04-17)

Severity Area Description
BUG Operational Scheduling Project Capital Costs no longer incorrectly raise error regarding Monthly and Total capital not matching. (92093)
BUG Operational Scheduling

Mob/Demob times now stored as minutes. (91385)

Existing Mob/Demob times are not automatically converted. Please contact support for a script to update these durations.

BUG Operational Scheduling Timeline used to sort dates incorrectly for users with a date format other than ISO 8601 (86883)
NEW Operational Scheduling Optional display of Mob/Demob times per activity. (86176)
NEW Operational Scheduling Configurable coloured hints for each error type on timeline activities. (86181)
NEW Operational Scheduling Enhancements to table/view based synchronization of schedule data. (71442)
NEW Operational Scheduling Activity "Can Produce" is now imported from Enersight. (71463)
NEW Operational Scheduling Ability to apply filters on import from Enersight to avoid loading specific activity types. (73604)
NEW Operational Scheduling New "Fix Schedule" button will automatically resolve many scheduling errors. (86177)
NEW Operational Scheduling Pop-up on activities now includes configurable labels for milestones to answer questions like "What does that little red square mean?". (86180)
NEW Operational Scheduling Schedule change undo/redo has been streamlined and is much faster and less flickery. (86185)
NEW Operational Scheduling Schedule printing now supports PDF output, in addition to the PNG format. (86186)
NEW Operational Scheduling Removed non essential log messages when importing Schedules from Enersight. (86392)
NEW Operational Scheduling Changes to activity start date and duration in the detail table (under the schedule) now work the same as manual drag-and-drop in the schedule.
NEW Operational Scheduling Improved sorting rows by first activity in schedules in cases where multiple rows had a common first activity. (91332)
BUG Operational Scheduling Resolved numerous behaviour issues with drag-and-drop on the Schedule.
BUG Operational Scheduling Ensure system isn't raising errors for historical / started activities. (87627)
BUG Operational Scheduling Prevent JIT relationships from forcing an activity start-time on the JIT activity during drag-and-drop operations. (87629)
NEW Budgeting and Forecasting Ability to automatically connect AFEs to Project Activity Types based on rules. (86188)
NEW Budgeting and Forecasting Warning on AFE if there are costs on the AFE that are not mapped to a Project Activity. (86190)
NEW Budgeting and Forecasting Resolved issue where actuals wouldn't be visible on Projects without activity timing. (86192)
NEW Budgeting and Forecasting Simplifying log messages on import/export of Projects with Enersight. (92114)
NEW Budgeting and Forecasting Better currency handling when importing from Enersight PDS in non-$ currencies. (92261)
NEW Budgeting and Forecasting Allow configuration of the caching interval that controls when changes in schedule dates are visible in the reforecasting screen. (92358)
NEW AFE Support for non-billable accounts (those where costs are never allocated to partners). (91916)
BUG General Prevent creating new Text custom fields without specifying a field length. (86246)
Download Aucerna Execute 2019.5.60.0

Update 2019.4 (2020-02-27)

Severity Area Description
BUG Platform Fixed default address of F1 key press for help. (73079)
BUG System Fixed data type for large text fields ported from RTD to RTx. (73685)
BUG System Fixed issue using Data Selection on non-AFE document types.
BUG Operational Scheduling - Enersight Integration The import window may exclude activities on the same assed when importing schedule information from Enersight. (72521)
NEW Budgeting and Forecasting Option to ensure Project Budget isn't exceeded when releasing an AFE for approval (supports multiple AFEs against the same project).
NEW Operational Scheduling Ability to perform date comparisons in Schedule Views.
NEW Operational Scheduling Ability to split an activity into two activities (i.e. have to pause an operation and come back later).
NEW Operational Scheduling Option to remove all non-scheduled activities from a schedule to make it easier to reload a different set of data from Enersight.
NEW Operational Scheduling - Enersight Integration Added syntax for sorting rows and nested rows in the schedule view configuration field. (73820)
BUG System Fixed a partial server hang with large numbers of enterprise event handlers. (74436)
BUG Platform Prevent AFE from being rolled back to an invalid state. (73742)
BUG Platform Fix the Configuration Page's rendering issue on Chromiun-based browsers. (74442)
BUG Platform Exporting to Enersight while schedule is in edit mode causes incorrect end dates to be exported. (85964)

Update 2019.3 (2020-01-09)

Severity Area Description
BUG System Fixed issue with licensing of 3rd party Oracle driver.

Update 2019.2 (2019-12-02)

This release has been revoked. One of the features in this release was upgrading our 3rd party database driver to a new version capable of supporting Oracle 18/19. Unfortunately, a mix-up in our build process broke the licensing of the component causing it to expire after 30 days of use. We are fixing the build process and a new update will be issued that corrects this issue. This would only have affected the classic Desktop based interface running Aucerna Execute against Oracle.

Severity Area Description
NEW Operational Scheduling Improved workflow for adding multiple Projects to a schedule. (60334)
NEW Operational Scheduling Ability to lock Project activity timing in Budgeting and Forecasting module when activities are linked to the Operational Schedule (new 'Lock Project Timing' setting). (56343)
NEW Operational Scheduling Prevent validation rules from raising errors about past events. (59416)
NEW Operational Scheduling Individual action undo/redo. (60335)
NEW Operational Scheduling Sample configuration for syncing schedule dates onto an RTx. (61800)
NEW Operational Scheduling Adjusted overlapping activity stacking to conserve vertical space on schedule. (69246)
BUG Operational Scheduling Fixed import of partial day activities from Enersight. (58372)
NEW Budgeting and Forecasting Support spend curves for calculating monthly forecasts. (56338)
BUG Budgeting and Forecasting Reports on custom tables under a Project wouldn't return data. (60182)
NEW Budgeting and Forecasting Project import from Enersight now includes Projects already in Aucerna Execute to better handle Projects that have been rescheduled into the far future within Enersight. (57618)
NEW RTx Migration tool for migrating from older RTD to new RTx module. (54427)
BUG RTx Assorted fixes to RTx to make it consistent with RTD capabilties.
NEW Platform Support for data synchronization against the results of a query.
NEW Platform Support for Oracle 18/19. (67613)
BUG Platform Fixed issue where Support Packages did not include server log. (69093)
BUG Platform Fixed inconsistency between Privilege ID v. Name in User Role data loaders. (67413)
BUG Platform Fixed issue where Configuration buttons (Tools > Configuration) would be on split onto separate lines on new versions of Chrome. (67357)
BUG Platform Fixed issue where custom business rules would fail when accessing custom fields added under a list item. (59445)
BUG Platform Fixed broken reporting on My AFEs in the AFE status widget. (59980)
BUG QByte Correctly exporting incremental estimate amounts to QByte. (57997)
BUG QByte Other assorted fixes to QByte integration

Update 2019.1 (2019-08-02)

Original versions of the AFE_ESTIMATE_SUMMARY view could potentially return invalid results on supplemental AFEs. If your organization makes use of the AFE_ESTIMATE_SUMMARY database view, contact Aucerna Execute support for an updated version.

Severity Area Description
NEW Operational Scheduling Removed minimum size for the schedule details panel, and added a "Hide Details" button. (55865)
NEW Integration Added support for data synchronization against a query (in addition to Tables and Views). (53806)
NEW AFE Added support for drag-and-drop uploads of actuals & field estimates CSVs. (53822)
NEW AFE Highlighting of accounts on the estimate tab and budget tab with spending (field costs or actuals) but no estimate. Also added new "Spend with No Estimate" column on AFE Line-item report. (54301)
NEW Operational Scheduling Added support for numeric comparisons in Schedule View configurations. (54881)
NEW Operational Scheduling Added support for OR operator in Schedule View configurations. (55205)
NEW Budgeting and Forecasting In the budgeting and forecasting module, the capital summary tab and the reforecasting screen now show the total AFE estimate for any linked AFEs. (56447)
NEW Operational Scheduling - Enersight Integration Automatically mark activities as scheduled if they are static in Enersight. (56547)
NEW Operational Scheduling - Enersight Integration Don't warn on step group violations in historical data. (56549)
CHANGE RTx Rename "Team Leads" to "Discipline Leads" on RTD and RTx workflows. (56438)
BUG AFE Fixed issue where actuals import would require accrual account be included in account rules for the AFE. (54204)
BUG Operational Scheduling - Enersight Integration Fixed issue where simultaneous step groups on static wells created before 2.13 would be incorrectly identified as sequential step groups. (56544)
BUG Operational Scheduling Fixed "Object Reference Error" when adding a project with no activities to a schedule. (53803)
BUG RTx Added missing Audit Events when discipline status is reset because of a watched field with "Clear Completion" set to yes. (53804)
BUG System Fixed issue with error message when trying to activate a module with zero total licenses. (53805)
BUG AFE Improved validation messages for historical loader for position rules. (53828)
BUG Budgeting and Forecasting Fixed issue where the project browse view would fail to load if the user's last used snapshot is currently hidden. (54200)
BUG AFE Fixed issue where the "Our WI(%)" field would be incorrect for non-op AFEs imported via. AFELink. (54368)
BUG Operational Scheduling Fixed "Object Reference Error" when editing resources and resizing the screen. (54875)
BUG System Fixed issue where last used columns were shared between the Schedule Activities and the Project Template's Activities (both of which had very different columns creating a few confusing behaviour). (54883)
BUG Budgeting and Forecasting - Enersight Integration Fixed issue importing projects with very small capital estimates (i.e. $0.00005) from Enersight. (55187)
BUG RTx Fixed issue where users were unable to create links to RTx documents using the Document Links functionality. (55548)
BUG Operational Scheduling Fixed issues where the schedule action buttons (Move, Shift, Reorder, etc.) would disappear after changing the view's starting date. (56364)
BUG RTx Fixed issue where the "RTx owned by me - In Progress" widget would vanish when RTx had different disciplines. (56535)
BUG System Set Affiliate feature on the Partner document now checks RTx documents (in addition to AFEs, etc.). (56551)
BUG AFE Fixed issue where Year End, Updated Project and Comment couldn't be entered in the Field Cost Entry screen when line-item field costs were loaded in the current month. (57103)
BUG AFE Fixed issue in default QByte Export configuration file for exporting revision amounts. (57126)
BUG System Fixed issue bulk updating Date fields with an empty value from the Browse Screen. (57166)
BUG System Fixed issue requiring Project Import/Export privileges to be able to set Enersight credentials. (57186)
BUG System Fixed mapping issue in default JVNexus integration configuration chat imported. (57195)
BUG RTx Fixed issue with Clear Temporary Numbers feature when using the historical data loaders. (57270)
BUG RTx Resolved issue with primary well mapping from RTx to AFE. (57272)